Graduate Programs
Doctor of Philosophy
Students gain advanced knowledge in areas of specialization, an ability to independently plan and conduct scholarly research, and effective communication skills. The program prepares graduates for advanced chemical engineering research in industry, academia and government laboratories.
Master of Science (Global Campus)
The Master of Science in chemical engineering program is designed for working professionals who have already obtained a bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering. All graduate courses leading to the degree are available online to students residing both in and out of the United States.
Strong financial support
All on-campus graduate students receive competitive stipends in addition to their tuition. This solid financial support makes it possible for students to focus on their studies and research. Therefore, the department is selective in accepting the highest quality, most committed applicants to the program.
Research with major impact
Research in the department addresses problems of foremost societal significance and of vital economic importance. Major topics addressed encompass sustainable energy production, storage, and transmission; the environment; homeland security; health; catalysis; semiconductors; separations; nanoparticles; and process synthesis. Studies are both fundamental (generating new knowledge) and applied (developing new processes and technologies).
Extensive multidisciplinary collaborations
Faculty and graduate students collaborate with a wide variety of other disciplines and institutions (both universities and government laboratories) to access needed expertise for their projects. Many of the papers from the department involve coauthors from other disciplines and institutions. These collaborative efforts are tremendously beneficial to students’ educational experience by providing a wide range of perspectives.
Excellent educational and professional development opportunities
Courses are comprised of a combination of advanced courses in thermodynamics, reaction engineering, transport phenomena and process systems engineering. These courses and elective courses in mathematics, sciences and engineering fields develop depth and enable students to acquire expertise in their specialties. Through research, students learn new analytical and experimental skills, strategies for problem solving and the ability to work independently as well as collaboratively. Students learn effective oral and written communication through presentations at professional meetings and publications in technical journals. They also work closely with their advisors and collaborators, learning from their experiences and expertise. This frequently involves traveling to attend meetings or visiting government laboratories and other universities, where students can interact with colleagues in their fields. Upon completing their education, graduates find a multitude of unique employment opportunities in academia, private industries, public institutions and government agencies.